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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes - 08/07/2013
                                         AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
AUGUST 7, 2013


The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by Vice-Chairman Robert Bullis in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Bernard Zahren, Mitch Kennedy, Robert Bullis, Brian Glenn, Martin Kaplan, Richard Kretz and Lisa Levin. Members absent: none. Advisory member present: Jonathan Craig. Also in attendance were Town Manager Brandon Robertson, Assistant Town Manager Steve Bartha and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne.

Mr. Bullis asked if there were any corrections or comments.

VOTE: Mr. Glenn motioned and Dr. Kennedy seconded to approve the June 5th minutes as presented. Mr. Bullis agreed. Mr. Kaplan and Mr. Kretz abstained as they were absent from the meeting. Mr. Zahren and Ms. Levin arrived later and missed the vote.


IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Review revised ACEC charge, b. Update on solar PV-CCM joint effort
Mr. Bullis asked if there were any comments regarding the adoption of the new charge. Mr. Kaplan asked Mr. Robertson if there was any response to the energy management function. Mr. Robertson said that it was made up of the team they already had in place consisting of himself, Mr. Williams and Mr. Bartha on the town side and Gary Mala, John Spang and Peter Gaski on the BOE side. He continued that Mr. Mala receives weekly reports on energy use from the Facilities Manager using a software program that is independent of the town’s. Mr. Robertson noted that he is gearing up for the capital budget with everyone aware of the energy plan, working this into their capital and operating budgets. Mr. Kaplan asked if the town and BOE were to be integrated with the community. Dr. Kennedy remarked that a requisite for the Clean Energy Communities’ Pledge to reduce energy use by 20% and increase renewable use by 20% is to have a tracking system, suggesting Portfolio Manager. He noted that Portfolio Manager would be a good selection since it is the system used widely across the country. Mr. Robertson agreed the software would be good to use on the town side but could not go to the BOE and ask them to change theirs. Mr. Bullis suggested this be a topic to investigate by a member of a smaller working group which is one of the aims of the meeting. Mr. Robertson cautioned to be aware of the FOI issues when forming these smaller groups. Mr. Zahren concurred. Dr. Kennedy offered that without a unified measurement system it will be difficult to keep organized with the different kinds of data coming in and accurate data collection will ensure that we get the proper credits earned, being this is a State sponsored program. He urged again to use the Portfolio Manager software as it was recommended on the website.

Ms. Dearstyne recapped that the Commission would work more on an independent scale, doing the research and then reporting back to the Commission. Mr. Zahren added that it would start with one person to look into a certain aspect and proposed asking each member to give a few hours a month and to pitch in outside of the meetings and do it together. He summed that it is now we are ready to “get there” not just talk about it.

Ms. Levin spoke about the seminar she recently attended to learn about other programs and resources available that through agreement with the Town Council and town could lead to Commission outreach efforts to the community – one in particular the Small Business Energy Advantage Program or similar where small businesses could receive free energy assessments and then loans up to $100,000 interest free for a specified time period. Ms. Levin asked Mr. Robertson and Mr. Bartha how they would need the Commission.  Mr. Robertson said that he first would like to get someone who could integrate the stats the BOE gathers with that of the town and asked if anyone on the Commission had that kind of skill set. Mr. Bullis recognizes that there is a structural problem in getting the town to aggregate information. Mr. Robertson responded that without a dedicated individual, information comes in bits and pieces and asked if there was someone on the Commission who could do these kinds of gathering and integration of information. He referred also to a meeting with CCM Energy at the end of June proposing solar panels and asked if Dr. Kennedy could help with information gathering as he was deeply involved in the marketplace. Mr. Robertson noted that this was an area with a lot of interest and posed would this be a company to go with. He added that also one of the issues with this company would be the town would have to sign up by September of this year. Mr. Zahren asked if we could go with them without an RFP. Mr. Robertson said our purchasing regulations would allow flexibility because it encourages regional efforts with the likes of CCM or the Capitol Region Council of Governments. He noted that he would like to do an RFP because it is a good business practice. Mr. Bullis suggested inviting similar companies in to use as a comparison which could really be done in a week’s time. He also suggested one of the tasks of the members would be to get a chart of all of the programs that are available for comparison for what the town has an interest. Mr. Kaplan referred to a power point presentation that was emailed to the members and said it was all in there. Mr. Bullis asked if Mr. Kaplan would synthesize the material so that others could understand and prioritize.

V. NEW BUSINESS: a. Formation of sub-committees, b. Review various initiatives coming out from CEFIA, etc., c. New and continuing topics
Members discussed ways to organize the working groups. Ms. Levin suggested three areas for working groups: 1) a baseline and monitoring, 2) the solar panel project and 3) resource development and education – trying to identify all the different programs at least the salient ones that are out there. Ms. Levin asked if CEFIA had any resources to help make the efforts successful. Mr. Zahren said yes and added that it always comes down to the money.

Ms. Levin asked what CCM’s track record was. Mr. Robertson said this is why he needs help determining which firm to go with not knowing the marketplace. He added that they had a good track record with other towns. Mr. Zahren noted that there are many competitors out there right now. Mr. Bullis cautioned that there are many competitors but there are also many fly by nights in the market as well.

Mr. Zahren’s suggestion for working groups was similar to Ms. Levin’s: 1) baseline and monitoring, 2) solar PV technology for price, quality and installation and 3) overview of how to pay for it – whether interest free, power purchase agreement, leasing or purchasing outright. Dr. Kennedy urged timeliness as we had to be in the queue ahead for the ZREC auction in the spring. Ms. Levin would like to be a part of the third type which she said would be an ongoing process as seminars will continue to come up.

Bernie recapped the positions to be taken. Dr. Kennedy would take number 2 with the solar technology. Mr. Kaplan would work on number 1 with help from someone. Mr. Kretz will work on number 3 on the financing and resource development. Mr. Craig and Ms. Levin volunteered to work with Mr. Kretz. Mr. Glenn will work with Mr. Kaplan and Mr. Bullis volunteered to work on charging stations under the technology working group. Mr. Zahren asked if Mr. Kaplan could arrange a meeting with West Hartford and staff to see how they work as a community. Mr. Kaplan offered that help can be gotten from Justin Haaheim at Clean Water or Lynn Stoddard of CEFIA. Mr. Bullis suggested writing down what is needed to stay in the program. Mr. Zahren offered to help with anyone who needed it.

Mr. Zahren suggested adding another task to do: long term strategic planning such as go out in the community which could require citizen volunteers. Mr. Craig asked if the Commission was going to do Avon Day this year. Ms. Dearstyne said that we did not sign up and the event was coming up in September and could be too late at this point. Mr. Craig offered that speaking to the Chamber of Commerce could be more useful in getting the information out about energy audits.

Members discussed electric chargers for automobiles. Dr. Kennedy cautioned that there are a lot of players in the field right now and to be watchful for getting into an agreement with one who’d claim sole propriety in town.

Mr. Zahren summed: 1)focus on solar panels, 2) examine the Clean Communities program we’re in, 3) charging stations and 4) resource development – what’s out there and how do we get to it and what resources are available to us. He asked Mr. Robertson his stance on building codes and ways to get to a greener town. Mr. Robertson said any revisions to the code would come from the State as these are the ones we adopt. He mentioned that they may have some influence over the Avon Park North when that comes to development. Mr. Zahren said that he would like to meet with them. Dr. Kennedy mentioned that some of his clients use a “cloud” based service that frees staff from the numbers crunching of energy use by going directly to the utilities for the information.



VOTE: Ms. Levin motioned, Mr. Zahren seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 PM. None opposed.



                                                                                                Respectfully submitted:
                                                                                                Chairman Bernard Zahren


Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk